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Why DevOps: Addressing Shortfalls of Previous Methodologies

  Why DevOps: Addressing Shortfalls of Previous Methodologies DevOps emerged as a response to the limitations of previous software development methodologies, aiming to improve collaboration, automate processes, and accelerate delivery. Here's an exploration of why DevOps became necessary, with explanations of the shortcomings of earlier methodologies using examples and analogies. Traditional Methodologies and Their Shortfalls Waterfall Model Description : A linear and sequential approach where each phase (Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, Maintenance) must be completed before the next one begins. Shortfalls : Rigidity : Changes are difficult and costly once a phase is completed. Late Testing : Testing only occurs after the implementation phase, leading to the discovery of major issues late in the process. Customer Feedback : Limited to the beginning (requirements) and end (deployment) phases, risking the final product not meeting user needs. Analogy : Building a h
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Maven Plugins

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Maven profiles

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