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Final Year B.Tech. 



CS415 : DevOps 

  • Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 2 Hours /Week, 2 credits, Practical: 2 Hour/Week, 1 credit 
  • Examination Scheme:  ISE - 25 marks, POE – 50 marks, ICA - 25 marks,

Course Objectives: 

  1. To introduce DevOps terminology, definition & concepts 
  2. To understand the different Version control tools. 
  3. To understand the concepts of Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment) 
  4. To get acquainted with concept of docker and kubernets 
  5. To Illustrate the benefits and drive the adoption of cloud-based Devops tools to solve real world problems 

Course Outcomes: 

At the end of the course, students will be able to 

  1. Apply DevOps principles to meet software development requirements. 
  2. Apply CI/CD using tools such as Jenkins, Git and Maven 
  3. Analyze the Containerization ofimages and deployment of applications over Docker 
  4. Collaborate and adopt Devops in real-time projects. 



Chapter1:Introduction to Devops (05) 

Devops Essentials - Introduction To AWS, GCP, Azure - Version control systems: Git and Github, Introduction to GitLab, Introduction to BitBucket 

Chapter 2 : Compile and Build Using Maven (05) 

Introduction, Installation of Maven, POM files, Maven Build lifecycle, Build Phases (compile build,test, package) Maven Profiles, Maven Repositories (local, central, global), Maven plugins, Maven Create and Build Artifacts, Dependency Management 

Chapter 3 : Continuous Integration Using Jenkins (06) 

Introduction to CI/CD, Install & Configure Jenkins,Jenkins Architecture Overview, Build Jobs and Configurations, Jenkins Plugins, Jenkins Integration with other Tools 


Chapter 4 :Containerization with Docker (05) 

Introduction to Containerization, Introduction to Docker, Understanding Images and Containers, Working with Containers. 

Chapter 5 : Kubernetes (05) 

Introduction to Kubernetes, Need of Kubernetes, Kubernetes Architecture, Setup Kubernetes, Kubernetes Concepts 

Chapter 6 : Building Devops Pipelines Using any Cloud Platform (05) 

Create Github Account, Create Repository, Create Organization, Create a New Pipeline, Build a Sample Code 


 Text Books : 

  1. DevOps Tools from Practitioner's Viewpoint. Deepak Gaikwad, Viral Thakkar,. Wiley publications. 
  2. Jenkins, The Definitive Guide, John Ferguson Smart,O'Reilly Publication. 


 Reference Books: 

  1. The DevOps2.1 ToolKit : Docker Swarm, Building, Testing, Deploying, and Monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters by Viktor FarcicPackt Birmingham, Mumbai. 
  2. MariotTsitoara, “Ansible 6. Beginning Git and GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide to Version Control, Project Management, and Teamwork for the New Developer”, Second Edition, 2019. 


 Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): ICA shall include Minimum 8 to 10 practical assignments based on the syllabus topics.


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