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POM files

POM (Project Object Model) files are an essential part of Apache Maven. They are XML files used to define the configuration, dependencies, and other project-related information for Maven-based projects. POM files reside in the root directory of the project and have the name "pom.xml".

Here are the key elements that can be specified in a POM file:

  1. Project Information: The POM file contains general information about the project, such as the project's name, description, version, and organization.
  2. Project Dependencies: POM files define the project's dependencies on external libraries or modules. Dependencies specify artifacts (JARs, WARs, etc.) that are required to build and run the project.
  3. Build Settings: Maven uses plugins to perform various build tasks. The POM file specifies which plugins to use and how to configure them for tasks like compiling code, running tests, packaging the project, etc.
  4. Project Repositories: POM files can include information about the repositories where Maven should look for dependencies that are not available in the local repository.
  5. Project Inheritance: POM files can inherit from a parent POM, which allows common configurations to be shared across multiple projects.
  6. Profiles: Profiles in POM files allow you to define specific build configurations that can be activated under certain conditions, such as different environments (development, production) or operating systems.
  7. Reporting: POM files can configure reporting plugins that generate various project reports, such as test coverage, code quality, and more.

Here's a simple example of a POM file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns=""





    <!-- Project Information -->




    <name>My Project</name>

    <description>A sample Maven project</description>


    <!-- Project Dependencies -->









    <!-- Build Settings -->



            <!-- Maven Compiler Plugin -->













In this example, the POM file defines the project's basic information, including its name, description, and version. It also specifies a project dependency on the Apache Commons Lang library and configures the Maven Compiler Plugin to use Java 8 as the source and target version for compilation.

With the POM file in place, Maven can read the configuration and perform various tasks, such as downloading dependencies, compiling the code, running tests, and packaging the project. The POM file serves as the backbone of Maven-based projects, enabling efficient and standardized project management.


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