Title: Demonstrating Version Control with Bitbucket
The objective of this experiment is to showcase the basic functionalities of version control using Bitbucket. We will create a simple project, set up a Bitbucket repository, and perform version control operations such as creating branches, making changes, committing changes, and merging branches.
Tools and Technologies:
- Bitbucket (Cloud or Server)
- Git (command-line or Git GUI client)
- Web browser
Experiment Steps:
Step 1: Set Up Bitbucket Repository
- Create a Bitbucket account (if you don't have one) and log in.
- Create a new repository on Bitbucket with an appropriate name (e.g., "demo-project").
- Take note of the repository URL (HTTPS or SSH) provided by Bitbucket.
Step 2: Initialize the Project
- Create a new directory for the project on your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory using the command-line.
- Initialize a Git repository in this directory using the command: git init.
Step 3: Configure Git Remote
- Set the Bitbucket repository as the remote for your local repository using the command:
git remote add origin <Bitbucket_Repository_URL>
Replace <Bitbucket_Repository_URL> with the URL obtained in Step 1.
Step 4: Create and Switch Branches
- Create a new branch called "feature-branch" using the command: git checkout -b feature-branch.
- Switch back to the main branch (usually "master" or "main") using: git checkout main.
Step 5: Make Changes and Commit
- Create a new file or modify an existing one in your project directory.
- Add the changes to the staging area using: git add <file_name>.
- Commit the changes with a descriptive message using: git commit -m "Your commit message".
Step 6: Push Changes to Bitbucket
- Push the committed changes to the Bitbucket repository using: git push origin <branch_name> (e.g., git push origin main).
Step 7: Merge Branches
- Switch to the main branch using: git checkout main.
- Merge the "feature-branch" into the main branch using: git merge feature-branch.
- Resolve any merge conflicts if they occur.
- Commit the merge changes and push them to the Bitbucket repository.
Step 8: Review History
- View the commit history using: git log.
- Use Bitbucket's web interface to visualize the commit history, branches, and pull requests.
Step 9: Optional - Collaborate with Others
- Invite collaborators to your Bitbucket repository.
- Ask collaborators to clone the repository, make changes, and push them to Bitbucket.
- Review and merge their changes using pull requests.
This experiment demonstrates the fundamental version control operations using Bitbucket. By following these steps, you have gained an understanding of how to set up a repository, create branches, make changes, commit changes, merge branches, and collaborate with others using Bitbucket's version control capabilities. Version control is a critical aspect of modern software development, enabling teams to work together efficiently and maintain a history of changes to their projects.
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