Title: CI/CD Pipeline Implementation with Maven and Jenkins on Ubuntu Objective: In this example, we will demonstrate the step-by-step implementation of a CI/CD pipeline using Maven and Jenkins on an Ubuntu system. We'll create a simple Java application, set up Jenkins to build and test the application, and trigger the pipeline whenever changes are pushed to a Git repository. Prerequisites: Ubuntu system (or a compatible Linux distribution) with JDK and Maven installed. Jenkins installed and running on the Ubuntu system. Git repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab) to store the code. Steps: To organize your Java source code with the correct package structure and compile it in Ubuntu, you can follow these steps: Open a terminal on your Ubuntu machine. Navigate to your project directory where you want to create the Java source code and the pom.xml file. For example: cd ~/my-java-project Create the necessary directory structure for your Java source code: mkdir -p src/main/java/c...